My journey from fat and depressed to just depressed. I have to work on one thing at a time!

Friday, January 18, 2008


Yesterday was rainy and I couldn't walk so I drove my car to see how far the park was from my house. Apparently it's a mile away. So I walk 2 miles every time I go to the park with my daughter. There's also a track that runs around the park that walk around before I head home but I don't know how long that is. I do have a pedometer somewhere. I bought one while I was pregnant but I don't know where I stashed it afterwards.

Let me explain. The company I worked for closed about 5 months before I got pregnant and when I couldn't find a job right away I started to walk. Then I got pregnant and decided that I would try and be healthy. I ate every well. No junk food. Well, the only junk food I ate was a piece of Dove dark chocolate at lunchtime and I craved Chick-fil-a a lot. I didn't get to eat Chick-fil-a much but that's all I craved. Weird, Huh!

Anyway, I didn't lose weight today but I maintained which is good. I know on Monday I'll be up. I just hope I can be 236 by next Friday! Being stuck at 238 is very annoying!
I know Charlie isn't helping and my pipes seem to be stuck, I know TMI, even though I'm getting 35 grams of fiber per day! I'm blaming Charlie!
See you all Monday!

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