My journey from fat and depressed to just depressed. I have to work on one thing at a time!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Feeling Down

I'm feeling down today and I don't know why. Maybe it's because I realized that I can't find a better job unless I get a degree and I can't can't a degree unless I find another job. I can't afford to go to school on the income I earn and my husband makes too much money for us to qualify for financial aid. I don't want to take out a student loan because it means I have to pay them back 6 months after I graduate. What if I can't find a job in 6 months? I'd be royally screwed. I want to apply for a grant but my search on the internet just sends me to places where I can buy books on how I can apply for the grant. I just want to apply for a grant not have to buy a book! I can't afford a book! I'm at my wits end and I can't seem to get out of it!

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