My journey from fat and depressed to just depressed. I have to work on one thing at a time!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Bad weekend

Well, this morning I got on the scale and it was way up. 242.2 lbs. I have no idea what it was last Monday so I don't know if I went up or down from last Monday. I might just make a list on the sidebar what my Monday weigh ins are.

It was my mom's birthday and we went for dinner on Saturday. Then yesterday I had the day off and we went to the movies and I ate horrible. I love the dark chocolate peanut M&M's. I also had Sour Patch kids and movie theater popcorn. We went to see National Treasure, Book of Secrets. It was great. Not as good as the first but I liked it. I love all the history in the movie I'm a huge history buff. I would love to major in history but I don't think I could get a job with a history degree.

I went to the USF Sarasota campus with my family this weekend to show them were I wanted to go. I think my mom was excited for me. I really want to go back to school and get mt teaching degree. My dad said I should become a professor but I said I would rather teach children than adults. I'm thinking less whiny. Also, less college. I can barely afford to go to school now and my last semester I'll be teaching for free basically! So know Masters in the future for me.

I also bought a pedometer on Saturday. I calculates the miles, steps and calories burnt. Yesterday I walked over 11,000 step! Although I did walk to the park with my husband and while he watched our daughter play I walked twice around the track which I believe is about 1/2 mile around. That's 3.25 miles that I walked to the park and back. I will try this afternoon. I have my pedometer on all day today just to see how many steps I do in one normal day. The recommended is 10,000. We'll see.

Here's to the start of a new week and hopefully 237 by Friday!
I'm praying for all of you.

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