My journey from fat and depressed to just depressed. I have to work on one thing at a time!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Charlie is here

I know TMI but at least I know that by Monday my weigh in's will be more accurate. I lost another .6 lbs since yesterday.
For the past 2 days I've been walking to the nearest park with my daughter. I'm not sure how far it is but I'm guessing at least a mile round trip. She doesn't walk I push her stroller. As she gets older I'll make her walk part of the distance. She loves playing on the swings and the slides. Plus it gets me out of the house where there are all sorts of temptations and it's burning calories right?
I've now been drinking my cups of tea and I really haven't seen much difference. I guess my monthly could be throwing things off wacky but I thought I would at least feel a difference. But NOPE! The oolong doesn't seem to be doing much and the spearmint just smells awesome! I love the smell of it. It reminds me of my Dad when he tries to quit smoking. He always smells of spearmint. Sometimes I think I might be becoming my mother with all the crazy diet experiments I've been thinking of doing. I remember once my mother drinking a concoction of white wine vinegar and garlic twice a day because it was suppose to burn fat and be good for your heart. YECK!!!!
I'm in a funk today but I think it's the cramps. I really don't feel like doing anything especially work. My boss is driving me insane with all the stupid requests! He's a nice guy but sometimes ...AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!
I hope and pay that everyone loses a little more.

1 comment:

Susie said...

Hi Mare-That's great that you have been walking and blogging...I only read day 1 and today..but I will more when time permits. If you want to know how far the walk is you could use a pedometer or this cool site I found
Good luck with's great that you have already lost 40lbs!