My journey from fat and depressed to just depressed. I have to work on one thing at a time!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Up again

Well, since it's Monday I'm up again. The problem is that I'm up more that I was last week. Well, we'll just see what tomorrow brings. I've decided to stop the madness and not cheat this week at all. I'll stay on course all week and see what happens. I've been stuck at this weight for over 3 months and it's getting depressing. My husband told me that we will be invited to a wedding soon and to expect an invitation. I really what to be able to fit in normal size clothing before the wedding. My mother bought me new dresses for the Christmas parties but I want new dresses for the wedding! I'm such a clothes hog but only if I can get smaller things.
So here's my plan for this week: Eat my 1600 cal or less per day and no cheating, less that 50 grams of fat per day and no cheating, drink my 96 ozs of water per day, quit snacking in the afternoons, and eat my Activia everyday. My favorite is the prune but it has no fiber. I noticed that the diet or light varieties have fiber. I need them to make the prune flavor in light! I'm trying to add more fiber to my diet. One way I'm doing that is eating a Fiber One bar for my afternoon snack. My favorite is the oats and peanut butter flavor. My daughter loves the oats and chocolate. Another way I'm trying to incorporate more fiber is adding a fruit to my breakfast and one after dinner. I'm hoping to hit my 35 recommended grams per day. I did achieve success once this month. In one day I had 40.65 grams of fiber, 30.7 grams of fat and 1454.5 calories and this is what I ate that day:

Food Quantity Calories Grams of Fat Grams of Fiber

Oatmeal 1/2 cup 150 2.5 4
Splenda Brown Sugar 3 teaspoons 60 0 0
Light Butter 1 teaspoon 17 1.6 0
Banana 1 105 .4 3.1
English Muffin 1 100 1 8
Cheese 1 slice 80 6 0
Veggie patty Spicy 1 140 4.5 5
Activia Yogurt 4 oz 110 2 0
Fiber One Bar 1 150 4.5 9
Banana 1/2 52.5 .2 1.55
Lean Cuisine 1 Lemon Shrimp 350 7 5
BBQ Beans 1/2 cup 140 1 5

On this day I didn't cheat and I lost weight the next day. I hope that I can achieve this everyday this week. I know that your suppose to eat 5 servings of fruit and veggies per day and as you can see I'm no where near that. I also heard that women that consume 3 or more servings of dairy per day manage to lose more weight and keep it off. I'm trying to achieve one thing at a time.
Well, I hope all of you are losing.

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