My journey from fat and depressed to just depressed. I have to work on one thing at a time!

Monday, January 28, 2008


I'm 239.8 pounds this morning! That means I've finally have broken out of the 240's! I'm so excited. I just might make to 236 by Thursday! Joy!
In other exciting news, I wore a size 16W on Saturday. You see, I had purchased a size 16W jean about 2 weeks ago thinking that I would fit in them but I tried them on when I got home and they didn't fit. Then Saturday morning I decided to try them on to see if I had made any progress. I didn't think I did because I haven't lost any weight in 3 months! But I fit into them and was able to zip them up and everything. They are still a little tight and I won't probably wear them again but I wore them all day on Saturday and I felt great!
In other news, I just heard this morning that my boss is leaving to work for another company! I'm the only one they told beside the president and the 2 vice presidents. I feel like a spy with a secret. It's also a bummer because I know I can do the job but I also know that they will not give me the chance to do it. Anything I don't know I know I can learn. I'm only part-time now but I would really like to be full-time and make more money! They are thinking of closing down the DC until they hire someone new and have me work at the main office. I have already told them that I would and could keep the DC opened except for the afternoons when I would pick up my daughter. If they would only give me a chance I would put my daughter in day care. She's 3 and would enjoy interaction with other children.
I hate this. I know I complain about my boss but he was such a nice guy. At least I know he will be in a better job and closer to his home. He will probably make more money!
I wish him good luck!
As for me I just pray I don't get an asshole!


Harrison - BBWfan said...

Hi, Mare.

Just wanted to comment for the first time, and say congratulations for the progress you've made.

And try not to feel bad if you hover around your current weight for some time. I actually am a pro-BBW guy and I think a lot of zaftig women underestimate how attractive guys find them.

I just started a blog called "BBW Country" and it's designed as a male celebration of the same size female figure that you're trying so hard to lose. Believe it or not, the male demand for, and acceptance of, the robust, voluptuous, plump female figure is a reality.

The blog is brand new with no comments so far, but I have great hopes for it. I just want to issue a counter-response to all the negativity that society funnels towards fat people, and especially overweight women.

Okay, that's it for now. Just wanted to say "Hi!" Good luck!!


Kate said...

Hi Mare, I'm also commenting for the first time. I think you're doing great. I'm trying to do the same thing, blog my journey to weight loss. Even if the scale isn't showing your weight loss, remember muscle weighs more than fat, and if you are fitting into jeans that didn't fit before, it means you've shrunk anyway :) Keep up the good work!