My journey from fat and depressed to just depressed. I have to work on one thing at a time!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Can't Stop

I've been wondering why I can't stop eating lately. I just keep stuffing my mouth with every piece of crap I can find. Yesterday I kept stuffing it with crackers and cream cheese. What the hell is wrong with me! I even kept doing it after I asked myself why. I finished the sleeve of crackers and had a hot chocolate. At least that was "diet". It's by Swiss Miss and has 25 calories. I really like it. It's not as creamy as the real stuff but it's pretty good for when you need that hot chocolate fix.
I weighed myself this morning and to my surprise I had lost weight. Go figure!
Anyway, I'm really trying to stay on plan but everyday just keeps getting harder! I hope I can at least do one complete day OP this week.

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